Baked pork neck in honey and mustard glaze

Baked pork neck in honey and mustard glaze

2.2 lb pork neck, 3 spoonfuls of honey, 3 spoonfuls of olive oil, 3 spoonfuls of mustard, 2 spoonfuls of lemon juice, 1 sprig of chopped rosemary



  1. Start by preparing the marinade by mixing honey, mustard and lemon juice, on an olive oil base.
  2. Tenderise the neck slightly with a meat mallet and cut it into pieces.
  3. Prepare the meat in a dish, pour marinade over it and leave it in the fridge overnight.
  4. An hour before you plan to start grilling the meat, take the meat out of the fridge and put it on the grill. Grill for a few minutes on each side.
  5. The preparation time will depend on the thickness of the meat.
  6. When ready, serve the pork neck with baked potatoes or bread.